On this portfolio site, you will find the projects I have worked on over the last six months; two mobile applications and one website.
Tools I use :
- figma
- Lucidspark
- Google Docs
- Google Sheets
- Google Slides
- Google Forms
- Notion
- Zoom Meetings
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or just to talk.
Project Case Studies
Bus Around
Transportation App App UX/UI
Are you looking for a mobile app that will tell you when the next bus is arriving or even when all other future buses are arriving at your stop?
Service Org of Southern Nevada
Community Service Digital Web Design
Are you looking for an organization that contributes and improves your local community by volunteering with the youth and supporting the military?
Motivational App App UX/UI
Are you looking for a mobile app that will introduce encouraging, motivational content into your life that you can save and share with those you love?